Sunday 30 November 2008

AOT problem solved

Thanks to the swift responses of the Clojure google group I have got past my little problem. It was, of course, deceptively simple, but not clear to someone who doesn't do Java programming much.

The problem was basically that whatever I did I could not get Clojure to recognise that the source files existed in the classpath.

When you invoke java with the
command line option it completely ignores the classpath (both the environment variable, or the

So, when compiling my code I simply switch this:

java -cp ./classes:./src -jar ${HOME}/src/clojure/clojure.jar ./compile.clj

.. to this ...

java -cp ./classes:./src:${HOME}/src/clojure/clojure/jar clojure.lang.Script ./compile.clj

For the record the contents of
are as follows:

(binding [*compile-path* "/home/gteale/src/aot_test/classes"]
(compile 'de.teale.test))

I plan to replace that with either ant or lancet shortly.

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